How to use Machine Translation

In this guide: Has the “translator’s block” hit you? Do you want to speed up your translation tasks? Learn how to utilize Machine Translation on Redokun and how you can pre-translate entire documents before your team starts working on them.

As the name suggests, Machine Translation (MT) relies on artificial intelligence and complex algorithms to generate translations almost instantly.

Why use Machine Translation?

MT technology has evolved incredibly since its conception, especially in the last few years.

💡 A 2021 study found that Google MT was able to translate medical instructions for patients with an accuracy rate of 94% for Spanish, 90% for Tagalog, and 82.5% for Korean.

With globalization in full swing, many companies use MT to enhance their systems and fulfill their internal and external communication needs. The main benefit your team can enjoy is being able to translate large amounts of content without excessive effort and localization costs.

How to use Machine Translation in Redokun

There are two ways you can make use of Machine Translation in Redokun:

  • Machine Translation Suggestions: While you’re working inside the Web Editor, Redokun will provide you with translation suggestions. You can use the suggestion as it is or as a guide to build a better translation.
  • Pre-Translate with Machine Translation: Alternatively, you can instantly fill up all the translation boxes of a document with machine translations by using the Pre-translate feature. After that, your team only needs to review and polish the sentences (post-editing) instead of translating from scratch.

Machine Translation Suggestions

  1. When you click on the translation box for a text segment, Redokun provides you with suggestions generated from your previously approved translations and our Machine Translation vendors.
  2. Click on the MT suggestion to paste the translation into the box.

  3. Use the suggestion as it is or as a guide to build a better translation.

Pre-Translate with Machine Translation

Instantly fill up all the translation boxes of a document with Machine Translation by using the Pre-translate feature. After that, your team only needs to review and polish the sentences (post-editing) instead of translating from scratch.

Visit this user guide to learn more about how Pre-translate works.

💡 For more information about our Machine Translation vendors, visit this page.


Each Redokun plan comes with its own machine translation (MT) limit, which you can find detailed on our pricing page. If this limit is reached, the tool will temporarily cease to provide automatic translation suggestions until the start of the next month.

While we do not enforce the specific MT limits for each plan at this time, we encourage users to be mindful of these restrictions as we may implement them in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these limitations, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

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