Glossary - What is it? How does it work?

In this guide: Discover how to use the Glossary feature effectively to improve your translations on Redokun.

What is Glossary?

A Glossary is a customizable list of terms, expressions, and acronyms specific to your organization or industry. By creating and maintaining a Glossary, you can ensure consistent translations and improve the overall quality of your multilingual content.

The Glossary feature in Redokun helps you:

  • Enhance translation quality and consistency by providing clear definitions and context for specific terms.
  • Save time by reducing the need for translators to research unfamiliar terms.
  • Improve Machine Translation suggestions by indicating your preferred terms to the AI engines integrated into Redokun.
  • Ensuring the correct terminology is constantly used in your translations thanks to Redokun’s instant checks.

How to create and manage your Glossary on Redokun

Please visit the Redokun pricing page to check if the Glossary feature is available on your plan and to review its limitations.

Creating a new Glossary

  1. Log in to your Redokun account
  2. Go to the Glossary tab at the top of your page
  3. Click the Create glossary button
  4. Choose the language pair for your Glossary and then click Create glossary .

⚠️ Note that you can only create one Glossary per language pair.

Adding a single entry to your Glossary

  1. Go to the Glossary tab at the top of your page
  2. Open your Glossary by clicking the See details button next to the language pair
  3. Click on the + Create single entry button
  4. Provide the term in the source language and its translation in the target language
  5. If necessary, add an optional note to provide more context for the term. This will be shown to the translator in the Web Editor.
  6. Click Create entry to confirm.

Note that there are certain limitations for the Glossary upload or single entry creation process. Make sure to review them here before adding a new entry to your Glossary.

Editing or deleting terms in your Glossary

  1. Go to the Glossary tab at the top of your page
  2. Open your Glossary by clicking the See details button next to the language pair
  3. Find the term you wish to edit or delete
  4. Click on the Three-dot menu icon
  5. Click the Edit entry button (pencil icon) to modify the term, or the Delete button (trash can icon) to remove it from your Glossary.

How to use the Glossary in the Web Editor

When you or your team are working on a translation in the Web Editor, Redokun automatically identifies Glossary terms in the source text and underlines them.

Identifying and using Glossary terms in the Web Editor

All your Glossary terms detected in a document are underlined in the source text column. The color of the underline depends on whether the matching Glossary translation has been used:

  • Yellow underline: The translation box does not contain the Glossary term.
  • Green underline: The translation box contains the Glossary term.

When you hover over an underlined term in the source text column, a pop-over appears, displaying the suggested translation and any notes from the Glossary entry.

How to use the Glossary with Machine Translations

Redokun integrates the Glossary with Machine Translation (MT) engines to improve translation quality and ensure the right terminology is used. This is not a simple "search and replace" process but a more advanced feature.

Advanced terminology integration with Machine Translations

The MT engine takes into account the Glossary terms when generating translations for you, evaluating whether the suggested terms should be used or not. This helps provide the most accurate and high-quality translation possible while respecting your specific terminology.

Viewing and using Machine Translation suggestions

All of this happens automatically behind the scenes. As a user, you'll see the clickable MT suggestions below the translation box in the Web Editor. These suggestions already consider your Glossary terms, making it easy for you to select the most appropriate translation for each text segment.

Glossary Compliance and Warning System

When a translator confirms a translation, Redokun automatically checks if the Glossary indications have been used in all the translations added to the document. If any indication hasn't been followed, Redokun will display a warning. This warning can also be ignored if necessary.

Filtering Translations with Glossary Warnings

To quickly check which translations are not using the indicated terminology, use the “Show” filter in the Web Editor by selecting the option “With glossary warning”. This will display only the segments that do not follow the Glossary indications, allowing you to easily review and adjust the translations as needed.

Sharing your Glossary with your team and external translators

When you invite a translator or team member to work on a project, they will have access to your Glossary for the relevant language pair. This ensures consistent translations and eliminates the need to share Glossaries separately.

It's important to note that only managers can modify the glossary, while translators have read-only access.

Importing and exporting Glossaries

Importing a Glossary

If you have an existing Glossary, you can easily import it into Redokun. Follow this user guide for detailed instructions.

Exporting a Glossary

You can also export your Redokun Glossary to an Excel file for backup or sharing purposes. Follow this user guide to learn how to export your Glossary.

Merging Glossaries in a team

When a new member joins your team, their Glossary will be merged with the existing team’s Glossary. This ensures that all team members have access to the same terms and translations, promoting consistency across your organization.

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