Upload limitations

Uploading a document on Redokun is subjected to these limitations:

  • Maximum file size: 100 MB
  • Maximum number of segments: 50,000 per file
  • Maximum number of files that can be uploaded at once: 20

⚠️ Reach out to us if these limits are insufficient for your documents.

Machine translation (MT) limitations

Each Redokun plan comes with its own machine translation (MT) limit, which you can find detailed on our pricing page. If this limit is reached, the tool will temporarily cease to provide automatic translation suggestions until the start of the next month.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this limitation, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

Endnotes Limitations in InDesign files

Redokun does not support the translation of endnotes in InDesign files. When a file containing these elements is uploaded, the text within the endnotes will remain untranslated.

While this is a current limitation, we understand its importance and have included support for endnotes in our product roadmap.

We are continuously working to improve our software and appreciate your patience as we develop this feature for future updates.

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