Translate an XLIFF document online

In this guide: There are two different ways to translate your documents on Redokun - online or offline. Follow these steps to translate an XLIFF document online.

🗣️ In the field of translation and localization specifically, bilingual documents contain strings of text that pair up translatable source segments with their (complete or partial) translations.

XLIFF files supported in Redokun


  • The file should be in XLIFF 1.2 format.
  • Redokun only supports files using the UTF-8 encoding.

⚠️ Redokun currently does not support XLIFF 2.

⚠️ While importing bilingual files, Redokun does not import the translations. The <target> XML nodes are ignored.

A) Upload a document

  1. Go to the Document List.
  2. Click on Upload Document.
  3. Click on Choose Files. See here for our supported file formats.
  4. Select the file you want to upload and click on Upload.
  5. Choose the source language of the file, and click on Upload. At this point, Redokun will extract the text from your document and prepare it for translation.

Here is an example of XLIFF file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <file original="file.xml" source-language="en" datatype="x-plaintext">
            <trans-unit id="str-01">
                <source>String 1</source>

            <trans-unit id="str-02">
                <source>String 2</source>

            <trans-unit id="str-03">
                <source>String 3</source>

            <trans-unit id="str-04">
                <source>String 4</source>


B) Translate the text

⚠️ If your translators prefer to use a different software solution, you can export an exchange file from Redokun that contains all the text for translation. Learn more here.

  1. For each target language you have selected, choose an Existing translator or invite a New translator. Select me if you want to translate that language yourself.

  1. After you've selected the translators for each target language, they will be automatically invited to register an account and start translating your document

C) Pre-translate (optional step)

Before your translators start working on a document, you may run the Pre-translate feature that gives you the choice to:

  • automatically use past translations for repetitive or similar text found in your document
  • fill the gaps with machine translation

D) Download the translated document

  1. When a translation is complete, the translator will confirm their work and you will receive a notification email. If you are translating the document yourself, confirm the translation before exporting the file by clicking Confirm translation.
  2. Ensure that the translation in the target language you want to download is confirmed. The icon below Confirm / Unlock should be a lock symbol.
  3. Click on the Download icon. Redokun might ask you to confirm the download and show you how many words will be deducted from your word-count balance.

The translated file downloaded from Redokun will have the same format, the same layout, and the same look as your original file.

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