Changing the Team Owner

In this guide: Learn how to assign a new team owner in Redokun. The team owner is a critical role with unique permissions, so it's important to choose carefully who fills this position.

If the current team owner needs to be replaced or if there's a change in your organizational structure, you can easily change the team owner by following these steps.

💡 Note: Only the current team owner can assign a new team owner.

Change the Team Owner

To change the team owner:

  1. Go to Settings > Managers
  2. Click on the Edit team button to access the team information
  3. Select the new team owner from the list of managers
  4. Click on Save changes to save the changes.

⚠️ Important: Be aware that changing the team owner will transfer all permissions and responsibilities of the current team owner to the new one. Do ensure that the new team owner is ready and able to handle the additional responsibilities before making this change.

What can the Team Owner do?

The team owner has all the features associated with a regular manager account. In addition, they can also:

  • Invite and remove members from the team.
  • Change the name of the team.
  • Change or upgrade the subscription.
  • Access the audit log (if enabled for the plan).

⚠️ The team owner role is vital as it runs the account subscribed to a Redokun plan (the account used to buy the plan). Make sure the person assigned as the team owner understands the importance of their role and the features they can control.

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