Import past translations from other documents

In this guide: Have you translated some documents before discovering Redokun? It might be possible to import them to Redokun by creating a Translation Memory. Here's how.

⚠️ The process explained in this user guide is a possible manual solution to import your older translations to Redokun. As such, the results might depend on factors beyond Redokun's control, such as incompatibility of the older documents. Bi-lingual files (.JSON or .XLIFF) are not supported.

What do you need?

You can try this manual solution if all of the following conditions are met:

  • You have a document in the source language and another document in the target language.
  • The text of the source and target language documents have the same structure (or very similar).
  • You (or someone on your team) can understand the text in both the source and target languages.

What is the process?

The overall process will go like this. We will use Redokun to:

  1. Extract the phrases from the document in the source language to an XLSX file.
  2. Extract the phrases from the document in the target language to an XLSX file.
  3. Pair up the extracted phrases in both of the XLSX files above.

Step-by-step guide

To give a clear example for each step, let's say my source language document is in English and my target language document is in Italian. In short, the translations I want to import to Redokun is English to Italian.

  1. First, upload the source language document to Redokun. Set the base language accordingly and add the correct target language to the document. In my example, I would upload the English document and then add Italian as the target language.
  2. Next, upload the target language document to Redokun. Set the base language accordingly and add any random target language to the document. In my example, I would upload the Italian document, set the source language as Italian, then add a random language as the target.
  3. For both documents you just uploaded, export and download the text in an XLSX exchange file (To export the text in an exchange file, go to the Document Detail page and click on the down arrow of the target language).

    You should now have created two Excel files. Each file would have:

    • Column A: This column contains the segment ID (which helps you identify different text segments).
    • Column B: This column contains the text segments found in the uploaded document. In my example, the document uploaded with English to Italian setting would have English segments in Column B. On the other hand, the document uploaded with Italian to random language setting would have Italian segments in Column B.
    • Column C: This is where the translations should be added.
  4. Open the Excel exchange file for the target language document and copy the segments from Column B (In my example, this would be the Italian to random language file).
  5. Paste the copied segments into Column C of the Excel exchange file for the source language document. (In my example, this would be the English to Italian file).
  6. Do make sure that the translations in Column C matches up with the text segments in Column B. Save the file.
  7. Finally, open the source language document on Redokun and import the combined Excel file as its translation. (In my case, I would be importing the translations for the English to Italian project, NOT the Italian to random language project.)
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