Install an InDesign script

Installing a script in InDesign (CS5 or later) is fairly easy:

  1. Open Adobe InDesign.
  2. Go to Window > Utilities > Scripts.
  3. In the Scripts panel, right click on User and choose Reveal in Finder (MacOS) or Reveal in Explorer (Windows).
  4. If necessary, decompress it (the script extension should be either .jsx or .jsxbin).
  5. Copy the script file (eg. 'myscript.jsxbin') inside the Scripts Panel folder.Copy the file in the 'Scripts Panel' folder
  6. And that's it! The script in now available in the Scripts panel. To execute it, just double click on the script name inside the panel.Click on the script

🗣️ We have put together a list of the best scripts around. Check it out here: 200+ Must-Have InDesign Scripts (Free and paid)

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